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"Code" is the language computers speak.  To create websites, computer programs, and even video games you need to know how to write in code.  Check out the websites below to learn more.



Learn the basic concepts of coding in just one hour with your favorite cartoon friends.  This site also has more in depth lessons for kids from kindergarten on up.

Use code to guide your player through a video game.  A little bit more complex than Hour of Code, you need to type out your commands rather than drag and drop.

Create stories, games, and animations using the Blockly language in this free-form program.

Things you love are made with code. Explore different projects like animations and music mixing on this site powered by Google.

Make your own video game.

Step by step lessons take you through learning to make drawings, animations, and games using JavaScript.  Learn to create webpages with lessons on HTML and CSS.

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